If you own a property or live in Spain you will find the Spanish have a lot of Bank Holidays and Spain has two public holidays in early December which often form a “puente” (bridge), allowing workers in the country to enjoy an extended break before Christmas.
In 2023, December 6th and 8th fall on a Wednesday and Friday respectively, which means that workers in Spain can take off three days from their annual holiday leave and get a total of nine days off in a row.
It’s one of the many ‘holiday bridges’ (known as puentes in Spanish) that can be enjoyed throughout the year.
They are non-replaceable national holidays, meaning that regional governments cannot swap them for other days, which essentially guarantees that they’re public holidays across the country’s 17 regions and two autonomous cities.
December 6th – Constitution Day
On December 6th 1978, millions of Spaniards voted in favour of the country’s first democratic constitution during a referendum, the culmination of Spain’s transition to democracy after decades under Franco’s dictatorship.
The magna carta was checked by Nobel laureate Camilo José Cela and it’s one of Europe’s least reformed constitutions, having only been changed on a couple of occasions in its history.
Since 1983, every December 6th has been a public holiday in the country.
December 8th – Immaculate Conception Day
As you may have guessed from the name, Spain’s el Día de la Inmaculada Concepción (Immaculate Conception Day) is a public holiday with religious origins.
The origin of this celebration can be traced back to the mid-19th century and Pope Pius XI, who wanted to commemorate the birth of the Virgin Mary.
According to the Catholic Church, La Virgen María was born on September 8th, therefore they subtracted nine months to make the day of her immaculate conception December 8th.
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